In Wake of Scam, Roae Offers Tips to Protect Limousine Customers

September 10, 2019

MEADVILLE – Following several local media reports detailing customer complaints against limousine rental companies operated by Matt Barnes, state Rep. Brad Roae (R-Crawford/Erie) – who serves as chairman of the House Consumer Affairs Committee – is offering local residents some helpful tips to protect them against being taken for a ride.

“My goal is to arm residents with information so they can protect themselves against underhanded business operators,” Roae said.

Roae noted Barnes’ limousine rental companies are not registered with the Pennsylvania Utility Commission (PUC), which oversees regulation and licensing of that industry.

Roae encourages residents, before booking a limousine, to ask the company for its PUC license number, and then to check that information by contacting the PUC’s nearest district office.

“The best tool to protect yourself against a scam is information,” Roae said. “A few phone calls and a little research up front can save thousands of dollars and a lot of headaches in the long run.”

The PUC website is PUC.Pa.Gov. The website contains valuable information, including procedures and an online system for filing a complaint, as well as contact information for various offices within the commission.

The Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General also can help victims pursue justice through the legal system. The office’s website is Victims can call the office’s Bureau of Consumer Protection toll-free by dialing 800-441-2555.

“I want to make sure the victims know about the resources available to them,” Roae said. “These victims are not alone and help is available as they seek justice.”

As chairman of the House committee responsible for reviewing legislation related to consumer protection efforts, Roae wanted to make this information available to people after he became aware of the situation through local media reports. Media articles detailed several stories from customers who raised issues about questionable business practices employed by the local limousine rental service.

Residents can learn more about Roae by visiting his website at and following him on Facebook at

Representative Brad Roae
6th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Dan Massing
717.772.9845 /

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