Roae Named Chairman of House Commerce Committee
January 11, 2021
HARRISBURG – Less than one week after taking the oath of office in Harrisburg to begin serving a new two-year term in the state Legislature, state Rep. Brad Roae (R-Crawford/Erie) today announced he will serve as chairman of the House Commerce Committee.
“I’m honored to serve in this position of leadership within the state House,” Roae said. “Serving as chairman of a committee is a significant responsibility.”
When legislation is introduced in the state House, the speaker assigns it to one of the various standing committees. The committee then may hold hearings, propose amendments and decide whether or not the bill is worthy of consideration by the full House of Representatives.
As chairman, Roae has the authority to schedule hearings and bring bills up for a vote in the committee.
Each committee is responsible for considering bills that fall under its specific purview. The House Commerce Committee concentrates its efforts in the following areas of legislation:
• Economic and technical development through programs such as the Ben Franklin Partnership, the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority, the Pennsylvania Capital Loan Fund and the Small Business Development Center Program.
• Corporate governance through the Business Corporation Law.
• Regulation of the various institutions chartered in Pennsylvania through the Banking Code, the Savings Association Code, the Consumer Discount Company Act, the Pawnbrokers License Act, the Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Act, the Pennsylvania Securities Act and the Credit Union Law.
• Regulation of offers of sale and credit through statutes such as the Goods and Services Installment Sales Act, the Unfair Sales Act, and the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act.
“The House Commerce Committee is responsible for reviewing legislation in several key policy areas that can have a direct impact on the lives of Pennsylvanians,” Roae said. “I’m excited about this opportunity. I look forward to working with the members of the committee to advance policies that help Pennsylvanians.”
This is Roae’s first term serving as chairman of the House Commerce Committee. He previously served as chairman of the House Consumer Affairs Committee during the latter portion of the 2019-20 session.
More information about Roae is available by visiting his website at and by following him on Facebook at
Representative Brad Roae
6th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Dan Massing
717.772.9845 /
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