Roae Reappointed to Serve on PASSHE Board of Governors

January 26, 2021

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Brad Roae (R-Crawford/Erie) recently was reappointed by the speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to serve another term on the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Board of Governors.

“I’m committed to working to ensure PASSHE provides Pennsylvania students with quality education options at affordable prices,” Roae said. “We see a lot of graduates from our state universities who are the first people in their families to acquire a college diploma. These universities offer affordable higher education opportunities for students from working-class families.”

Roae took the oath of office on Jan. 5 to begin serving a new, two-year term as the state representative for the 6th Legislative District covering parts of Crawford and Erie counties.

This is the second session in a row that Roae has been appointed to serve on the PASSHE Board of Governors.

“I have worked hard to prevent tuition increases,” Roae said. “In the 37-year history of PASSHE, there have only been three years without a tuition increase and two of them were the two years that I have been on the board.”

Roae in 2021 plans to continue his efforts to control costs, eliminate unnecessary duplications in administrative functions and get students who want to be on campus back on campus so that they can benefit from the full college experience.

“We want students to be able to graduate with marketable skills and limited debt by attending our state universities,” Roae said.

Roae will serve as one of four legislators – House Republicans, House Democrats, Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats each are allotted one position – on the 20-member board of governors.

The governor or his designee serves on the board. The governor also appoints 11 members of the board, which must be confirmed by the state Senate. Three students, selected from among the universities’ student government association presidents, serve on the board. The final position is reserved for the Pennsylvania secretary of education or his designee.

“I enjoy working on this board because I believe our state universities provide a valuable service to the residents of our Commonwealth,” Roae said.

Roae’s appointment is for the 2021-22 Legislative Session of the General Assembly.

Readers can learn more about Roae by visiting his website at and following him on Facebook at More information about PASSHE is available at

Representative Brad Roae
6th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Dan Massing
717.772.9845 /

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