District Office Open House Set for Friday
February 27, 2024
HARRISBURG — Rep. Brad Roae (R-Crawford/Erie) today announced he is hosting an open house in his new Meadville district office on Friday, March 1. The event will be held during normal office hours, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“I look forward to hosting this event to acquaint more people with the office location and the services we offer,” Roae said. “If you need assistance with a state-related matter and can’t attend the open house, please stop by on a different day or call the office. My veteran staff looks forward to helping you.”
The office is located at 18937 Park Avenue Plaza. The phone number is 814-336-1136. It is more handicapped accessible since it is only a few steps away from the parking lot rather than a 200-foot walk previously. Located a few minutes west of the previous office, it is also more centrally located in the 6th Legislative District which now extends all the way to the Ohio border. Finally, the new office features an entrance dedicated just for the office.
Among the state-related services that Roae’s staff offers are:
• Walk-in and scheduled appointments to discuss state-related issues.
• Assistance tracking down long-delayed state paperwork.
• Driver’s license and vehicle registration applications and renewals.
• Assistance with PennDOT paperwork, such as lost cards, changes, corrections, special plates and handicapped placards.
• PACE and PACENET applications.
• Property Tax and Rent Rebate applications.
• Access to state tax forms.
• Voter registration forms.
The 6th Legislative District includes the city of Meadville; Beaver, Conneaut, East Fairfield, East Fallowfield, East Mead, Fairfield, Greenwood, Hayfield, North Shenango, Pine, Randolph, Sadsbury, South Shenango, Spring, Summerhill, Summit, Union, Vernon, Wayne, West Fallowfield, West Mead and West Shenango townships; and Cochranton, Conneaut Lake, Conneautville, Linesville and Springboro boroughs in Crawford County and Conneaut, Elk Creek and Springfield townships and Albion and Cranesville boroughs in Erie County.
Representative Brad Roae
6th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tracy Polovick
RepRoae.com / Facebook.com/RepRoae
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