Roae to Play Key Role Reviewing Governor’s Budget Address as Member of Appropriations Committee
February 7, 2017
MEADVILLE – State Rep. Brad Roae (R-Crawford/Erie), who serves on the House Appropriations Committee and will participate in several weeks of hearings to review Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget proposal, today issued the following statement after the governor delivered his annual budget address to a joint session of the state House and Senate:
“The governor’s proposal is very complex due to all of the interwoven moving parts. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I will participate in budget hearings during the next several weeks to learn about the proposal and identify ways to improve it.
“I will look for ways to reduce the cost of government for taxpayers. It’s important to look for new ways of doing things in an effort to use the state’s limited resources in a fiscally responsible manner.”
Representative Brad Roae
6th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Dan Massing
717.772.9845 /
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